Welcome to our “Science Tank” section. In this area of the website, we deal with relevant discoveries from the world of science (physics, mathematics, computer science, medicine and many more) in an interdisciplinary manner. We publish important achievements from around the world with a special focus on the scientific environment in Göttingen. Have fun and stay curious.
Scientists working on ALPHA experimentst on CERN work, it was possible for the first time to cool antimatter with a laser. The achievement opens the way to a better understanding of the internal structure of antihydrogen and the study of how it behaves under the influence of gravity.
Antihydrogen is the simplest form of atomic antimatter. Now that we have the ability to cool them, scientists will be able to make comparisons between anti-hydrogen atoms and Hydrogen atoms on, whereby we can learn the differences between antimatter and matter atoms. By finding these possible differences, we can better understand why this is Universe consists of matter
Samsung Electronics has the development of a 512GB DDR5 Memory module announced. This is the first DRAM unit of the company's manufactured to the latest DDR5 standard set by the JEDEC Solid State Technology Association last July. With High-K-Metal-Gate-Technology (HKMG) manufactured hardware offers data transfer rates of up to 7200 Mbit / s, more than twice as fast as DDR4.
It was commonly assumed that complex numbers, ie those that contain an imaginary number component and (i squared results in minus one) are just a mathematical trick. However, a Polish-Sino-Canadian team of scientists has proven that the imaginary part of the quantum mechanics can be seen in action in the real world - reports the Center for New Technologies at the University of Warsaw.
Our intuitive ideas about the ability of numbers to describe the physical world require significant revision. Up until now it seemed that only real numbers were associated with measurable physical quantities. However, it has succeeded Quantum states from entangled photons to find that cannot be distinguished without resorting to complex numbers. In addition, the researchers conducted an experiment that determined the meaning of complex numbers for the quantum mechanics approved
Recent research on CERN (Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.11769) has produced data that, if confirmed, means that there has been a violation of the Standard Model. The data concern a possible violation of the universality principle of the leptons. The on LHCb The results achieved were announced at the Recontres de Moriond conference, which has been discussing the latest achievements in physics for 50 years, and during a seminar at CERN.
The LHCbMeasurements compared two types of decay of attractive quarks. Electrons appear in the first and muons in the second. Muons are similar to electrons, but have about 200 times the mass. Electrons, Muons and another particle, dew Leptonsthat differ in their flavors. According to the Standard Model, interactions that lead to leptons should have the same probability of electrons and muons appearing when an attractive one decays quarks .
Since Albert Einstein we know that no object can move faster than the speed of light. These roughly 300.000 km / s are the limit beyond which we can never move faster. Erik Lentz from the University of Göttingen however, has suggested a method to circumvent this limit. The problem is that it requires the use of huge amounts of energy.
Lentz says, (publication) that with the help of conventional energy sources the Spacetime could be organized in the form of a soliton, a self-sustaining isolated wave. The soliton would act like a "warp bubble" compressing the space in front of the vehicle and expanding it behind it. Since the Spacetime can be bent, compressed and stretched, such a solution would enable travel above the speed of light without breaking the laws of physics.
The idea of a "Warp bubble"Generating is not new. It was proposed by Miguella Alcubierre in 1994. However, until Lentz's research, it was thought that the only way to achieve warp drive was to harvest massive amounts of negative energy. Perhaps it comes from an exotic matter or dark energy.
Image source Pixabay
Star Trek Episode Reference: General / Warp Drive / Soliton Wave
A group of astronomers recorded the speed of the winds in the stratosphere opportunities, Jupiters blow, measured directly. A team led by Thibault Cavalie from the Bordeux Astrophysics Laboratory did the movement with the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA) new molecules observed in Jupiter's atmosphere after the impact of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 formed in 1994. The results suggest that the winds studied are the strongest meteorological phenomenon in the Solar system could be.
jing pad a1 - that is the name of the "first Consumer Linux tablets". The hardware, equipped with an 11-inch screen with a resolution of 2.368 × 1.728 pixels in 4: 3 format, was developed by the Chinese startup jingling built. According to reviews in specialist sites, the system is very similar to Apple's iPadOS. The version of Linux used in the new device is called JingOS.
The US Department of Energy (DoE) has that Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUNT) Approved. The 3-qubit system at Sandia National Laboratories was first used by researchers at Indiana University. Quantum computer (see for example: Xanadu will make the computing power of the photonic quantum processor X8 available ) are the future of computing, but for their development it is necessary to be able to carry out research and experiments on this type of machine. However, few companies and universities in the world currently have quantum computers. Therefore, the DoE decided to make the machine available from SNL so that researchers whose universities do not have this type of machine can use it.
Polish mathematicians have managed to solve an important problem regarding the Symmetry of all symmetries to solve. This was an unsolved problem for several decades - one of the greatest challenges of the geometric theory of groups.
The results of Dr. Marek Kaluba (Adam Mickiewicz University and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Prof. Dawid Kielak (University of Oxford) and Prof. Piotr Nowak (Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences) were published in one of the most renowned mathematical journals Annals of Mathematics published.
THE QUESTIONS SUBMITTED 1. By interlocutory decision T 489/14 of February 22, 2019 (OJ EPO 2019, A86, the "referring decision"), the Technical Board of Appeal 3.5.07 (the "Referring Chamber") of the Enlarged Board of Appeal (the "Grand Chamber") on the basis of Article 112 (1) (a) EPC the following legal questions (the "questions referred") submitted for decision:
1. When assessing inventive step, can the computer-implemented simulation of a technical system or process solve a technical problem by creating a technical effect that goes beyond the implementation of the - on one Desktop goes beyond if the computer-implemented - is claimed as such?
2A] If the answer to the first question is yes, what are the relevant criteria for assessing whether a computer-implemented simulation claimed as such is a technical problem solves?
2B] In particular, is it a sufficient condition that the simulation is based at least in part on technical principles that the simulated system or underlying process?
The Gravity is one of those forces whose influence we constantly feel. At the same time, it is one of the least understood physical phenomena. This weakest of all fundamental interactions is one of the reasons why we use the general theory of relativity not with the quantum mechanics can unify. Understanding it in detail is one of the most important challenges in physics today. So it is extremely important to be able to test gravity on all possible scales.