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"Green" hydrogen can be extracted from the air

The most desirable method of hydrogen production - the production of hydrogen from water by electrolysis - consumes a lot of energy. The optimal solution would be to use energy from so-called renewable sources. Professor Gang Kevin Li from the University of Melbourne has a method for making Hydrogen made of air with a humidity of only 4%. This paves the way for them hydrogen production in semi-arid areas where there is the greatest potential for so-called renewable energy, but there is no access to sufficient water.

Currently, most of the hydrogen produced is derived from natural gas or coal. Greener methods of making it are being developed around the world.

Li and his team decided hydrogen from the air to win. At any point in time there is about 13 trillion tons of water in the atmosphere. It occurs even in semi-arid areas. The Australian scientists obtained hydrogen from the air with a high purity of 99 percent. Their prototype plant was in operation for 12 days. In that time they could, on average, almost 750 liters Hydrogen per day and square meter electrolyser.

Image source: Pixabay; Source

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A substance that can hear heartbeats

A team of researchers from MIT in the US and Nanyang University in Singapore have developed a fabric that heartbeats can recognize. The fabric looks like one Membran in a microphone and converts the sound of the heartbeat into vibrations and then into electrical signals around. To absorb these vibrations, the researchers have a flexible Faser developed which, when woven into the fabric, flexes with it.

 Image source: Pixabay

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An optical oscilloscope was developed. Will it make the internet 10 times faster?

At the University of Central Florida became the first optical oscilloscope the world developed. The device could do the Communication technologies revolutionize, from smartphones to the internet. The device developed at UCF measures the electric field of light by converting light oscillations into an electrical signal.

So far, the measurement of the electric field of light due to its enormous Vibration speed a big problem. The most advanced measurement techniques used in electronic and telecommunications equipment allow the measurement of frequencies on the order of gigahertz. This includes the radio and microwave spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation. However, light vibrates at a much higher frequency. So it is possible to put in a lot more information than we do today. However, we do not have the appropriate tools. Current oscilloscopes perform averaged measurements within a light pulse. You cannot distinguish between individual valleys and wave crests. If we could measure individual valleys and mountains, we could encode information into them.

 Image source: Pixabay / Source

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Mk-5 - Japan's do-it-yourself single-seat air taxi

The 32-rotor aircraft, the latest version of the single-seat electric Whiz kid (eVTOL) from teTra Aviation is being tested at Byron Airport, California, about 80 kilometers east of San Francisco. It is a machine with a maximum passenger weight of 113 kg and a maximum flight range of 160 km at 160 km / h.

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Space battery, a project to send energy to earth

Scientists who work for the US Department of Defense have successfully completed one solar panel the size of a pizza box tested in space. It was used as a prototype for a future system for transmitting Electricity evolved from space to any point on earth. The panel labeled Photovoltaic Radiofrequency Antenna Module (PRAM), mounted on the Pentagon's X-37B unmanned aerial vehicle drone, was first deployed in May 2020.

Image source: Pixabay

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Samsung built artificial intelligence into a memory chip

Samsung Electronics did the development of the first High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) announced module that is integrated with an artificial intelligence module - HBM-PIM. The Processing-in-Memory (PIM) architecture The interior of the high-performance memory modules is primarily intended for accelerating data processing in database centers, high-performance computing (HPC) systems and mobile applications.
Our HBM PIM is the first programmable PIM solutionwhich was developed for various artificial intelligence applications. We plan to expand our partnerships with providers of artificial intelligence solutions so that we can come up with more and more advanced solutions At the moment, we are already using PIM can offer said Samsung Vice President Kwangil Park.

Image source: Pixabay

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The robots of the future don't need motors and power sources?

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amhers have figured out how to get objects through the Energy flow can set in motion in the environment. Your research could be useful for applications from toy making to the military industry. Wherever a drive source is required. They will also enable us in the future to learn more about how nature drives certain types of movement.
Professor Al Crosby, PhD student Yongjin Kim and Jay Van den Berg from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands did a very boring experiment. Part of it was, a piece Gel and watch it drying. The researchers noticed that the long Gel strips when drying, when it loses moisture through evaporation, began to move. Most of these movements were slow, but occasionally the gel accelerated. These accelerations were related to the uneven drying. Further investigations showed that the shape plays a role here and that Gel strips being able to "reset" oneself to move further.

Image source: Pixabay

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Pocket washing machine with ultrasound

With a frequency of fifty thousand vibrations per second, this cleanses Ultrasound machine Sonic SoakDeveloped by a Japanese startup company, a variety of items, from clothing to vegetables, toys, glasses, jewelry and more, thoroughly removed from the finest dirt invisible to the naked eye.

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A battery that charges to full capacity in five minutes

For the first time it has been possible to industrially manufacture batteries that can be fully charged in just five minutes. The new one Lithium-ion battery was developed by the Israeli company StoreDot and manufactured by Eve Energy in China on standard production lines.

Replaced in the battery StoreDot the material moisture meter shows you the Graphite through solid-state nanoparticlesl, into which the ions penetrate faster and more easily. The structure of these nanoparticles is based on germanium, which is water-soluble and easy to process. Ultimately, StoreDot plans to use silicon, which is much cheaper. The company expects to prototype it later this year and claims the cost will be the same as existing ones Li-ion batteries will be.

Image source: Pixabay

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