Web packages for Göttingen
Support for companies in Göttingen and the district of Göttingen
Local small and medium-sized companies, craftsmen, sole proprietorships as well as small shops and restaurateurs suffer particularly in difficult economic times, as we are currently experiencing due to the Corona crisis.
Due to lockdown and other necessary restrictions to contain the pandemic, the often tightly calculated sales collapse in some cases dramatically. In addition, many customers prefer to shop online out of concern and often stick to it even after the easing. This leads to conditions threatening the very existence of SMEs in the region.
At Digital Think Tank, you - the regional companies in Göttingen and the district of Göttingen - are particularly important to us. Fortunately, various local portals have already emerged where you could offer your products and services online at short notice.
In addition, however, it can be advantageous if a permanent, separate homepage is set up at the same time, which advertises exactly the business idea, its own products and services in its own CI. On your own website you can present yourself and your company exactly as you imagine it, without having to adhere to the requirements of a portal. In addition, you have individual options for design, structure, menu navigation and content for your own homepage - tailored precisely to your needs.
Your website at a fixed price
We have long thought about how we can support our region, our Göttingen, during this time.
With our tightly calculated website pacts for local companies in Göttingen and the district of Göttingen, we would like to make our contribution to using our specialist knowledge to help you get your own website cheaply.
Be it a simple OnePager, a small homepage as a brief presentation of your company and your products and services, or a large project for your optimal web presence - please take it Contact contact us so that we can offer you the cheapest and optimal package based on your needs.