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Science tank

Welcome to our “Science Tank” section. In this area of ​​the website, we deal with relevant discoveries from the world of science (physics, mathematics, computer science, medicine and many more) in an interdisciplinary manner. We publish important achievements from around the world with a special focus on the scientific environment in Göttingen. Have fun and stay curious.     

Thanks to topological isolators, it was possible to combine 30 lasers into one laser with a higher power.

VCSELs are the most popular type of laser. They can be found in smartphones, computer networks or medical devices. They emit light from quantum wells or dots located between mirrors. The pits and points are extremely small, their size is measured in fractions of a micrometer. This is an advantage, on the one hand, as it enables miniaturization and high-speed operation, and on the other hand, the size limits the power of the laser. After decades of work, a solution has now been developed to increase the performance of VCSELs so that they can also be used in areas where they could not previously be used.

For decades, researchers have tried to improve the performance of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) by forcing them to work in groups. They wanted to combine multiple lasers into a single one with multiplied power. Unfortunately, minimal inaccuracies in the manufacturing process resulted in this Laser worked in small independent groups whose emissions were not synchronized with each other. It was therefore not possible to find one coherent laser beam to create.


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With the new technology, 500 TB of data can be stored on a glass plate. That's more than 20.000 Blu-ray discs

Optica has been developing a new one 5D recording technology announced, with which up to 500 TB of data can be stored on a glass platter the size of a CD. However, we will have to wait a long time for its introduction to general use.

The new 5D recording technology is based on a solution that "burns" data onto the data carrier in a completely new way. Each file is recorded on three layers of very small points, and the name of this solution is no coincidence - each point has its own size, orientation, and position in the three traditional dimensions, and they are all different.

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The longest lunar eclipse in 580 years is imminent

On the night of November 18-19, 2021, some of the world's inhabitants witnessed the longest Lunar eclipse for 580 years. The entire phenomenon will last more than 6 hours, with the silver ball lingering in the deepest shadow on earth for 3 hours and 28 minutes. However, it is not a total darkness. A maximum of 97,4% of the natural satellite disk will be covered.

During the eclipse the moon is in his apogee, the furthest point from Earth orbit. Hence, it will appear that it is moving extremely slowly. It will take more than 100 minutes from the first contact with the earth's shadow to the greatest eclipse. From the exit of the moon from the greatest shadow of the Earth the same period of time elapses until the end of the darkness.

Image source: Pixabay

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Cells SimCity

This is what a human cell looks like up close. The unusual picture was from the NASA recorded with the help of cryo-electron microscopy. NASA has got us used to breathtaking images from the cosmos. Edited and colored images of distant nebulae and galaxies have always caught the imagination. This time, however, the agency associated with outer space helped create an image of one of the smallest objects that surrounds us - the cells of our body

Image source: Digizyme / NASA / Stanford University

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Alternative methods of studying heavy molecules will facilitate the search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model

Searching for physical phenomena beyond the Standard Model often requires access to powerful tools like the Large Hadron Collider, underground detectors for neutrinos, dark matter and exotic particles. Such devices are extremely expensive to build and maintain, they take many years to manufacture, and they are scarce, resulting in long queues among scientists. Thanks to scientists from the Netherlands, this could now change. You have developed a technique to confine and examine heavy molecules under laboratory conditions.

Image source: Pixabay / Published: Physics World

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Researchers from Wroclaw are working on a satellite navigation system on the moon

Researchers at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the University of Biosciences in Wroclaw are members of an international consortium established by the European Space Agency (ESA) funding for the development of a conceptual navigation system for Lunar missions had received. Such a system will be both the exploration of the moon itself and the implementation of plans to use the satellite as a stage in a manned mission Mars make it easier to use.

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Star Trek Today: Hypospray - An injection without painful punctures. It is now possible

A machine has just been developed that can perform injections completely painlessly. Of the Cobionix robot (short: Cobi) was developed to vaccinate against Covid 19 to facilitate.

It was commissioned at the University of Waterloo incubator. The device performs intramuscular injections without needles. The dose is given to the patient without a puncture; instead becomes a High pressure liquid jet (which is no thicker than a human hair) is used to get into the tissue.

Video source: youtube

Reference to Star Trek Episode: General / Medicine / Medicine Technology

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An unusual feature of the human brain. We have an amazingly low density of ion channels

Scientists at MIT were amazed to find that compared to other mammals, human neurons have a lower density of ion channels than one would expect. Ion channels generate the electrical impulses through which Neurons communicate. This is another amazing observation about the structure of the Brain.

Scientists hypothesize that because of the lower density of ion channels, the human brain has evolved to work more efficiently and save energy for other processes required to perform complex cognitive tasks. If the brain can save energy by reducing the density of ion channels, it can use the saved energy for other processes, said Professor Mark Harnett of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research on MIT.

Image source: Shutterstock;

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Astronomers discover record numbers of gravitational waves

Scientists made the discovery of 35 Gravitational wave signals announced, bringing the total number of similar discoveries to 90. The results could help solve some of the universe's most complex puzzles and shed more light on its evolution and the life and death of stars.

The first Gravitational waves were recorded in September 2015, although the discovery was not announced until February 2016 as it took some time to analyze the data and verify that the waves were indeed gravitational waves. Since then, dozens of similar discoveries have been confirmed. Scientists have now discovered more "space-time folds". The interferometers registered between November 2019 and March 2020 LIGO and Virgo up to 35 Gravitational wave signals. The results can be viewed in the ArXiv preprint database.
Gravitational wave tsunamis

Image source: Pixabay;

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He teaches math on an adult portal

Chang Hsu, a mathematician from Taiwan, teaches math on Pornhub. The 34-year-old's films have been seen by nearly 2 million people and he has over 7.000 subscribers. He advertises the videos with the slogan "Play intensely, learn intensively".

"I knew that day would come sometime. People are fascinated when you do unique things in unique places. Because so few people are on video platforms for Adult math teaching and on the other hand so many people are watching videos there, I thought, if I make my videos available there, they will be seen by a lot more people. - said Chang Hsu in an interview with the portal Focus Taiwan.

Image source: Pixabay;

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The Chinese keep their word and demonstrate quantum superiority on a larger matrix

Chinese scientists have announced that they have kept their word given last December and improved their optical system so that it can Quantum Gaussian boson sampling on a 144x144 matrix. In doing so, they confirmed that their quantum computer had the Quantum superiority has achieved, ie it is able to perform calculations that classic computers cannot perform in a reasonable time. We have already heard of the achievement several times Quantum superiority heard. This is what Google claims in 2019, for example.

Image source: Pixabay; Article Physical Review Letters

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