Hard drives and other data storage systems store huge amounts of information today. However, like magnetic tapes or floppy disks in the past, these devices can become out of date over time and we will lose access to the data we collect on them. That is why scientists have developed a method to convert data into the DNA to record a living organism. This kind of "mass storage"will probably not become obsolete in the foreseeable future.
Seth Shipman of the University of California at San Francisco, who was not involved in the work, praised the performance of his colleagues from Columbia University, but points out that it will be a long time before such systems find practical application.
Researchers at ETH Zurich have succeeded for the first time in automating the modeling of turbulence in liquids by combining fluid mechanics and artificial intelligence. Their approach is based on the combination of Reinforcement machine learning algorithms with turbulent Flow simulationscarried out on the Piz Daint supercomputer of the Swiss National Supercomputing Center.
According to a description of the research recently published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence published, the researchers developed new reinforcement machine learning (RL) algorithms and combined them with a physical approach to modeling Turbulence.
Scientists from the United States and Singapore used a robotic vacuum cleaner to eavesdrop on the sound in the rooms and identify TV programs playing in the room where the vacuum cleaner was located. The performance is even more impressive as the Standalone vacuum cleaner are not equipped with a microphone. This work shows that any device with lidar technology can likely be used for eavesdropping.
We use these types of devices at home without thinking about it much. We have shown that although such devices do not have a microphone, we can rewrite their navigation system to eavesdrop on conversations and reveal confidential information, says Professor Nirupam Roy of the University of Maryland.
This in autonomous robots used Lidar system examines the environment with the help of lasers. Their light is reflected from the surroundings of the vacuum cleaner and fed into the sensors of the vacuum cleaner to create a room map. Experts have been speculating for some time that the maps created by autonomous vacuum cleaners, which are often stored in the cloud, can be used for advertising.
AI computer systems are finding their way into many areas of our lives and offer great potential, from self-driving vehicles to assisting doctors with diagnoses to autonomous search and rescue robots.
However, one of the major unsolved problems, especially with the branch of AI known as "neural networks", is that scientists often cannot explain why things go wrong. This is due to a lack of understanding of the decision-making process within AI systems. This problem is known as the "black box" problem.
Who is smarter?
A new 15-month research project from the University of Lancaster, in which the University of Liverpool is also involved, aims to unlock the secrets of the black box problem and find a new way to "Deep Learning"of AI computer models that make decisions transparent and explainable.
The project "Towards responsible and explainable autonomous robotic learning systems"will develop a series of security verification and test procedures for the development of artificial intelligence algorithms. These will help ensure that the decisions made by the systems are robust and explainable.
The MBN channel on South Korean cable television has presented the first female presenter, who is simultaneously from one artificial intelligence is controlled. The AI moderator by the name of AI Kim is based on a real person who operates an information segment in the MBN, Jim Ju-ha. AI Kim himself recently introduced himself and said that she came about from watching Kim Ju-ha's ten hour videos. The KI learned the details in her voice, her way of speaking, her facial expressions, lip movements and body language. Artificial intelligence says: "I am able to convey messages just like Kim Ju-ha.
The long-standing and extremely complex scientific problem of the structure and behavior of proteins has been solved by the new AlphaFold artificial intelligence system. DeepMind scientists have shown that the artificial intelligence they create can predict which three-dimensional shape proteins will form from amino acid sequences.
Predicting what three-dimensional shape a protein will take has been a mystery to scientists for half a century. The ability to accurately predict the structure of proteins based on their amino acid sequence would be a great boon to life sciences and medicine. It would greatly accelerate efforts to understand the building blocks of cells and enable new drugs to be developed more quickly.
The team from DeepMind developed artificial intelligence has dealt with the problem. It is a Google affiliate that has had many successes in developing advanced algorithms. A few years ago you did AlphaGo program the master of go played several times. Another of their artificial intelligence, known as AlphaStar, turned out to be better than 99,8% of the players in the real-time strategy game StarCraft II. However, achieving their new artificial intelligence - AlphaFold - surpasses the good results in games.
The University of Helsinki has developed an Artificial Intelligence tool that allows you to get an idea of what your brain is thinking at any given moment. After reading the brain waves of people who are asked to focus on a person's image, the AI algorithm creates facial images that the participants look at. This research, described in Nature Scientific Reports, consisted of that to perform several phases of practice and then test the algorithm.