Scientists made the discovery of 35 Gravitational wave signals announced, bringing the total number of similar discoveries to 90. The results could help solve some of the universe's most complex puzzles and shed more light on its evolution and the life and death of stars.
The first Gravitational waves were recorded in September 2015, although the discovery was not announced until February 2016 as it took some time to analyze the data and verify that the waves were indeed gravitational waves. Since then, dozens of similar discoveries have been confirmed. Scientists have now discovered more "space-time folds". The interferometers registered between November 2019 and March 2020 LIGO and Virgo up to 35 Gravitational wave signals. The results can be viewed in the ArXiv preprint database.
Gravitational wave tsunamis
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Chinese scientists have announced that they have kept their word given last December and improved their optical system so that it can Quantum Gaussian boson sampling on a 144x144 matrix. In doing so, they confirmed that their quantum computer had the Quantum superiority has achieved, ie it is able to perform calculations that classic computers cannot perform in a reasonable time. We have already heard of the achievement several times Quantum superiority heard. This is what Google claims in 2019, for example.
Image source: Pixabay; Article Physical Review Letters
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Scientists working on ALPHA experimentst on CERN work, it was possible for the first time to cool antimatter with a laser. The achievement opens the way to a better understanding of the internal structure of antihydrogen and the study of how it behaves under the influence of gravity.
Antihydrogen is the simplest form of atomic antimatter. Now that we have the ability to cool them, scientists will be able to make comparisons between anti-hydrogen atoms and Hydrogen atoms on, whereby we can learn the differences between antimatter and matter atoms. By finding these possible differences, we can better understand why this is Universe consists of matter
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Recent research on CERN (Source: has produced data that, if confirmed, means that there has been a violation of the Standard Model. The data concern a possible violation of the universality principle of the leptons. The on LHCb The results achieved were announced at the Recontres de Moriond conference, which has been discussing the latest achievements in physics for 50 years, and during a seminar at CERN.
The LHCbMeasurements compared two types of decay of attractive quarks. Electrons appear in the first and muons in the second. Muons are similar to electrons, but have about 200 times the mass. Electrons, Muons and another particle, dew Leptonsthat differ in their flavors. According to the Standard Model, interactions that lead to leptons should have the same probability of electrons and muons appearing when an attractive one decays quarks .
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A group of astronomers recorded the speed of the winds in the stratosphere opportunities, Jupiters blow, measured directly. A team led by Thibault Cavalie from the Bordeux Astrophysics Laboratory did the movement with the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA) new molecules observed in Jupiter's atmosphere after the impact of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 formed in 1994. The results suggest that the winds studied are the strongest meteorological phenomenon in the Solar system could be.
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The US Department of Energy (DoE) has that Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUNT) Approved. The 3-qubit system at Sandia National Laboratories was first used by researchers at Indiana University. Quantum computer (see for example: Xanadu will make the computing power of the photonic quantum processor X8 available ) are the future of computing, but for their development it is necessary to be able to carry out research and experiments on this type of machine. However, few companies and universities in the world currently have quantum computers. Therefore, the DoE decided to make the machine available from SNL so that researchers whose universities do not have this type of machine can use it.
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The Gravity is one of those forces whose influence we constantly feel. At the same time, it is one of the least understood physical phenomena. This weakest of all fundamental interactions is one of the reasons why we use the general theory of relativity not with the quantum mechanics can unify. Understanding it in detail is one of the most important challenges in physics today. So it is extremely important to be able to test gravity on all possible scales.
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The head of the chinese and russian Space agencies have a memorandum of understanding to jointly build one Lunar station signed. In the document, both sides express their wish to help create a "International Scientific Lunar Station"to work together and invite other countries to the project. The signatures were given by Zhang Keijan, Director of the National Space Agency of China, and Dmitry Rogozin, Director of Roscosmos.
Details of the project were not disclosed. It was only stated that the two countries will work to scientific institutions on the moon and / or in its orbit to build. The aim is to create unmanned systems and equip them in such a way that people can stay there.
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